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Review of the MHW 3Bomber dynamometric tamper

At the heart of the barista’s expertise in extracting an espresso coffee, a quality tamper is undeniably essential. Nowadays, some modern tampers on the market are specifically designed to maintain a consistent pressure force with each use. Among them, the torque-based tamper from MHW 3Bomber stands out by offering a constant force of 30 lb (13.6 kg), bringing remarkable precision to each tamp.

Design of the MHW 3Bomber Torque-Based Tamper

Available in diameters of 51 mm, 53 mm, and 58.35 mm, the MHW 3Bomber torque-based tamper stands out for its elegant design. Carefully crafted, it combines metal (stainless steel, aluminum) and a walnut wood upper handle, creating a harmonious and refined aesthetic.

Testing the MHW 3Bomber Torque-Based Tamper: Presentation of the Tamper's Design

Beyond its successful aesthetics, this tamper offers a good grip. Indeed, the handle of the tamper fits perfectly in the barista’s hand, and the rim designed to rest the fingers is thoughtfully positioned. The grip of this tamper is comfortable during use.


This tamper is equipped with a guide that rests on the edge of the filter. This ensures that the user always tamps straight (avoiding channeling), an essential aspect to guarantee uniform water flow through the coffee puck.

Testing the MHW 3Bomber Torque-Based Tamper: The tamper features a guide for flat tamping.

Finally, it should be noted that the base of the tamper is not flat but rather ridged. According to the manufacturer, compressing the coffee with these grooves enhances the development of aromas.

Testing the MHW 3Bomber Torque-Based Tamper: The tamper has a ridged base that can retain a bit of coffee.

Following in-depth discussions on my coffee-dedicated Discord server with other users of this tamper, we have not noted any significant differences in terms of aromas when comparing the use of a flat-based tamper to a ridged one.

How consistent is the torque force of the MHW 3Bomber tamper?

Honestly, I have not noted any flaws regarding the consistency of this tamper. It applies the advertised force of 30 lb (13.6 kg) with each use.

Moreover, instead of simply compressing a spring, as is the case with the Normcore V4 tamper, the MHW 3Bomber torque-based tamper emits a “click” similar to that produced by a torque wrench when it releases the spring, indicating the achievement of the 13.6 kg force. Personally, I find this feature pleasant to use.

À vrai dire, au départ, j’étais quelque peu sceptique quant à l’utilité d’un tamper dynamométrique. Ayant débuté avec un tamper standard et économique, j’avais pris mes habitudes en tassant toujours de la même manière. Ainsi, je ne voyais pas l’intérêt d’ajouter cette régularité mécanique de 13,6 kg à chaque utilisation. Cependant, il est incontestable que j’avais tort. Cela est dû à son guide et à sa constance. En effet, ce tamper élimine une partie des variables susceptibles de compromettre la réalisation d’un espresso.

Find the MHW 3Bomber torque-based tamper on Amazon.

Indeed, this tamper prevents uneven tamping and ensures a consistent application of force, thus eliminating variations between different coffee preparations.

What about coffee retention?

I mentioned earlier in the article that the ridges tend to generate a bit of retention. However, a simple precaution can be taken to avoid this. Simply turn the tamper slightly while tamping or tamp a second time.

It is important to note that retention can also occur between the guide and the base of the tamper, which is common for all tampers equipped with a guide. Although the retention is minimal and will not contaminate the coffee, it is recommended to clean this part from time to time. This helps to avoid any buildup of residues.

Testing the MHW 3Bomber Torque-Based Tamper: There is retention that can occur between the guide and the base of the tamper.

Article Update (December 8, 2023)

A few days after the publication of my article, MHW 3Bomber updated its tamper with a “Flash Version 2.0.” Now, the torque-based tamper comes with a set of interchangeable springs. This set includes a 20 lb spring and a 30 lb spring. Additionally, the equipment is accompanied by a complete set of bases, including flat bases, ridged bases, etc. However, the tamper’s size remains unchanged at 58.35 mm. Perhaps Version 3 will offer a 58.5 mm model?


Due to its excellent value for money, design, grip, and torque feature, I highly recommend the MHW 3Bomber tamper. However, I believe there are two aspects that MHW 3Bomber could have improved. Rather than offering it in 58.35 mm, a size of 58.5 mm would probably have been more appropriate. This would prevent any untamped coffee residues on the edges of the filter. Additionally, they could have considered a model with a flat base rather than ridged (this has been corrected with the Version 2 tamper).

Finally, I do not consider the inability to modify the force of this tamper as a disadvantage, whether through a dial, like with the Force Tamper, or by replacing springs, like with the Normcore V4. After all, this is not a feature that one adjusts frequently.

The MHW 3Bomber torque-based tamper is available on Amazon.

Positive Points

  • Beautiful design
  • High-quality materials
  • Excellent grip
  • Presence of a guide
  • Consistency of applied force
  • The click
  • Affordable price

Negative Points

  • Not available in 58.5 mm (only in 58.35 mm, 53 mm, and 51 mm)
  • Slight coffee retention between the guide and the base

I give it a rating of 5/5.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


One response to “Review of the MHW 3Bomber dynamometric tamper”

  1. […] is quite comfortable to hold. Its handle fits well in the barista’s hand. However, unlike the MHW 3Bomber, the Normcore V4 does not have a rim for the fingers to rest […]

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